Houston Pre-Owned Hermes Bag Buyers

Finding the most trustworthy pre-owned Hermes bag buyer in Houston TX may seem like a daunting task. Vintage Contessa & Times Past is here to make the process simple. We have 20 years of experience with luxury items, including bags, diamonds, watches and other accessories. We have built a reputation on integrity and reliability.

During our evaluation, we verify that your Hermes bag is authentic. We review the condition, age and style, to determine a fair price. As world-renowned Houston pre-owned Hermes bag buyers, we only purchase items our clients will appreciate.

We Buy Pre-Owned Hermes Bags in Houston TX

While we are located in Houston, we work with clients all over the world. People who aren’t local are welcome to email us at info@thevintagecontessa.com with a detailed description of the bag, including any defects, and pictures of the bag. We will make an offer based on what we see. If you are still interested, you will send us the bag and we will evaluate it again. We then send you an updated, final offer. If you don’t accept, we return the bag to you.

We buy pre-owned Hermes bags in Houston TX from local individuals who are willing to come into our store. You can call us at 713-977-7296 to set up an appointment with one of our experienced professionals at a time that is convenient for you to sell your pre-owned Hermes bag.