Designer handbags are an investment. Plain and simple, they can be rather expensive and not fit into everyone’s budget. Understandably so! However, something you might not realize is that not all our bags are thousands and thousands of dollars. In fact, we have a great assortment of entry level priced bags here at Vintage Contessa & Times Past.
Whether you’re looking to buy a gift for yourself or someone else (the holidays are upon us, after all!), if a luxury bag has been on your wish list, maybe now is the time.
Below we’ve pulled together our entry level priced bags, by designer, that are available in our showroom and online. They are all, of course, authentic and extremely beautiful and timeless. So, keep on scrolling.
/ / / Chanel / Hermes / Valentino / / Celine
Of course, these are all still investments, as a luxury designer bag should be, but we wanted to point out our entry level priced bags. As always, you want to do your research and not make an impulse purchase when it comes to a designer bag. Think about what you really want, what goes with your style, and what you’ll wear for seasons to come. If you have any questions, be sure to let us know.