Got the bleus? Let’s hope so! Here’s a list of every color Blue Hermes makes.
Navy – a very dark French navy, very effective in box calf. Get it here.
Midnight Blue
Bleu Roi – Bright royal blue, becomes very denim-blue like on exotics
Aqua – So far only in chevre and in small accessories
Blue Electrique- deeper and bolder than Mykenos
Bleu Brighton- new color
Bleu Abysse- deep blue with a sheen
Blue Brighton
Bleu indigo– Dark Navy Blue, purple undertones.
Bleu Thalassa – deeper blue-Mediterranean Sea Blue, same color family as Blue Jean but darker. Get the Constance here.
Bleu Saphir
Bleu cobalt
Bleu de Prusse
Bleu Obscure
Bleu de Malte
Bleu Tempete
Bleu jean- one of the most popular H colours. Lovely bright “sky” blue. Paler in croc. bright sky blue, shade varies as to which leather it’s on. Very bright and rich on Clemence, pale on Epsom leather. Here it is in Togo.
Bleu Mykonos- close to Blue Jean but brighter
Bleu Lin
Bleu paon
Bleu Azteque
Bleu Hydra
Bleu France
Bleu Marine
Bleu Azure
Bleu Celeste